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Software by Quokka AB, a subsidiary of Quokka AB, is part of Hans Andersson Group. We offer high end software engineering services to enterprises and we are an incubator for start-ups. Central is our employee focus and to embrace creativity and innovation.

We are now looking for talented software developers with experience in developing applications in Android and/or iOS. Experience from integration of the Android stack towards the HW platform and integration with cloud based back-end services is meritorious. #jobbjustnu.


MSc/BSc Computer Science or equivalent

Required Qualifications

  • Comfortable in both front- and back-end development within Android and/or iOS applications, frame works and third-party libraries.
  • Deep knowledge in the Android ecosystem and good understanding of different cloud services.
  • Experience of designing/implementing highly scalable mobile solutions particularly on the design of interfaces between mobile and cloud platform.
  • Great SW craftmanship. Preferred languages are Java, Kotlin, Swift, C++ and/or Python.
  • Experience from architectural patterns such as MVP and MVVM.
  • Experience with testing in Android and iOS, both unit and instrumentation tests.
  • Experience with tools like JIRA and Confluence, Git and CI toolchains.
  • Experience using the Android SDK.
  • Experience with GNU make or AOSP blueprint.


  • Experience in AOSP and the AOSP build system and/or GNU make
  • Experience from working with Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment
  • Experience from Embedded Linux development
  • Experience from connectivity technologies like Bluetooth stacks, WiFi and phone mirroring technologies.


  • English, professional level

Hur du söker jobbet

Ansökan sker via e-post till teresia.sicard@quokka.se. Vänligen använd rubriken/referensen "CI/CD developer".