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Viedoc Technologies is a leading developer of eClinical systems. We believe in the life-changing impact that eClinical innovation can have on lives and strive to lead the leap globally towards the next generation of software for clinical trials.

We need to strengthen our IT operations team with someone skilled within core infrastructure components such as databases, servers and storage on cloud solutions IaaS and PaaS in Azure.

Viedoc has a game-changing eClinical suite that is designed to accelerate clinical trials and advance the development of drugs and medical devices by offering the latest in technology to streamline the electronic data capture process. Year by year, Viedoc evolves with a set goal to significantly reduce the time it takes to evaluate clinical research, leading to new treatments and cures becoming available to patients faster.

Job description

As an IT Operations Specialist you will be an important part of keeping our systems running. The work tasks include installation and configuration of servers and services in Azure. Monitoring, system updates, release handling, troubleshooting and backup management.

We believe that you have an academic degree or similar in IT.

Been working with installation and configuration of Windows and Linux servers in an operational environment for at least 7 years.

You have a good knowledge and experience of Cloud technologies .

Have at least 5 years of experience with IaaS and PaaS services in Azure .

Several years experience of hosting internet services on IIS and Apache.

Good knowledge of PowerShell scripting.

Knowledge of Azure DevOps.

Knowledge of Azure database for MySQL.

You are fluent in English both verbally and written.

You will be sharing on-call duty with the IT Ops team.


Relevant education within IT.


Uppsala, Sweden


Software, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device, Consumer Health

Employment Type

Permanent employment with full-time service

Job Functions

IT Ops

About the company

Viedoc Technologies develops and markets software solutions for clinical trials and patient registries as SaaS (Software as a Service). The product Viedoc is a modern and future-proof eClinical suite that allows clinical trial sponsors and study sites to easily and securely collect, validate, transmit and analyze clinical study data. Viedoc has been used in more than 2.500 clinical studies in 75 countries with more than 100.000 users worldwide. The goal for organizations using Viedoc (mainly Contract Research Organizations (CRO), pharma, biotech, medtech and consumer health) is to produce health products in a more time and cost-efficient manner.

Viedoc Technologies is a privately held company with offices and presence in Sweden (Uppsala), US (Philadelphia), Finland (Turku), Japan (Tokyo) and China (Shanghai). The Uppsala office is the head office from where development and global operations are managed. The Philadelphia, Tokyo and Shanghai offices are focusing on sales and service delivery. Strategic partners for sales and service delivery are based in India, Germany, France and Japan. The company is characterized by an innovative approach, creativity and is striving to evolve the processes for how clinical trials are being conducted.

We want to do our part in contributing to a healthier world with excellence.

If the above resonates with you, apply to this position today by providing us with a CV and a personal letter describing why you are the perfect fit for the job.

Contact Ted Lähteenmäki, Manager IT Operations for more information: [email protected].

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "IT Operations Specialist" hos företaget Viedoc Technologies AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 19 augusti 2021 klockan 13:48.

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Ansökan sker via e-post till [email protected].

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