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The job
You will be part of the app development team. Your primary focus will be on working in Rust to bring new features to all the platforms where we use the language (Linux, macOS, Windows, Android). You’ll also have the chance to learn/work with other technologies and platforms. Such as iOS, TypeScript and more. The team works only with open source software. The entire app is available on github (https://github.com/mullvad/mullvadvpn-app/). We want your help to develop it further!

You love to discuss how we could collect and store less data, or even better, delete it! You value quality over quantity. Always. You have a curious mind for systems with a heavy focus on security and privacy, right?

Our 3 wishes
- You have extensive experience with using Rust. You are comfortable implementing solutions to various day to day problems with it. You have written, and are familiar with async Rust. The Rustonomicon does not feel like complete black magic to you.
- Even if the majority of our app’s backend is written in Rust, we frequently have to interact with the operating system and communicate with components written in other languages. It’s a plus if you are familiar with FFI and syscalls.
- The team consists of people from various countries and backgrounds. You are therefore expected to have good communication skills in English.

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "Rust developer" hos företaget Mullvad VPN AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 1 december 2021 klockan 16:35.

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