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We are currently looking for an experienced 2D Unity technical artist to start in a greenfield game project for mobile devices. You'll join a small, autonomous, and cross functional team with a product owner, UX, designers, data scientists, QA, and developers. The team’s goal is to build a new set of games for our youngest audience where playfulness and joy is key. That's why we need your help to implement a jaw dropping experience full of visual effects.

Skills & Requirements

  • Ability to translate conceptual art to stunning animations in Unity.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in Unity and C# building professional products (publicly or commercially available).
  • Experience in 2D character animation and 2D visual effects in Unity.
  • Experience developing for mobile platforms (iOS and Android)
  • A portfolio to showcase in the recruitment process.
  • Previous experience of working in teams of 5-7 people is a big plus.
  • Fluent English and strong communication skills.

About the company

At Albert, our vision is that every child across the globe has access to a tailored learning experience.

In a group of really passionate and talented people, we've chosen to contribute to our vision by building a series of games that give children a world-class, gamified, and fun experience while improving their mathematical and linguistic skills. Our aim is to combine content, data, and technology in a magical way to customize the learning experience of each individual user, irrespective of their age.

We're a fast-paced start-up, where the route from idea to decision is shorter than to the coffee machine. Our company culture is strong, and curiosity and innovation is at the core of everything we do. And we all strongly believe that work should be full of joy and sparks.

Perks of joining the family

  • You are welcome to join our office in Gothenburg (Sweden) but you can work from anywhere.
  • You'll work for a just/good cause and use your talents to create a brighter future for the next generation.
  • We actively contribute to the open source community.
  • Lots of skilled and passionate colleagues to learn from and to have fun with.
  • Personalized growth programs with mentorship and coaching.
  • Empowered teams who get lots of guidance and no governance.
  • Strong salary and possibilities for ownership through an option program.
  • Flexible working hours.
  • Wellness contribution and guaranteed work/life balance.
  • Monthly pension contribution.

Join our journey, and we'll make sure you will have a blast!

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "2D Unity Technical Artist" hos företaget Eeducation Albert AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 3 januari 2022 klockan 20:15.

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