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We are now looking for a Senior Backend Developer to join our talented Stockholm Studio, home to Rovio’s iconic game Angry Birds 2. You will be designing and implementing scalable architectures with DotNet and Kubernetes on AWS. The team believes in well-crafted software that increases the product value without compromising the productivity. Clean code, test driven development (TDD) and SOLID principles are a reality, applied to any project. Continuous improvement is a priority and the team is always eager to learn new technologies that help our growth and has recently been experimenting with Kubernetes, AuroraDB, HelmTemplating, GitOps, Real-Time servers and similar technologies.

What your days will look like:

  • Design, implement and test game backend functionality for games using C#, .Net Core, PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Create, maintain and operate the game server cloud infrastructure on AWS with Terraform and HelmCharts
  • Ensure that game backends are efficient, secure and scale well
  • Integrate other cloud services to game servers
  • Participate in designing client/backend solutions
  • Work with real-time gaming technologies for multiplayer games
  • Work as a team with other developers, designers and artists

Who we think will do great in this role has:

  • Proven server programming experience with C# where you have engineered SOLID compliant applications that scale to serve millions of users
  • Good knowledge and experience of cloud platforms and related technologies like AWS/Azure, Docker and Kubernetes
  • Experience in scalable Rest-API based services
  • Good understanding of SQL, NoSQL, In-Memory databases systems and how to optimise them
  • Understanding of game architecture and client-side technologies is definitely an advantage
  • Experienced either with playing or working with games

What's in it for you:

  • Opportunity to work on a large scale where your work impacts millions of people
  • Opportunity to solve complex yet rewarding problems
  • Chance to apply TDD and work in an environment with high industry standards when it comes to code quality
  • Keep up-to-date with emerging technologies and industry trends, and apply them to our backend systems
  • No crunch - we value work-life balance

Recruitment process:

  • First meeting: before diving deeper into your tech skills, we want to know who you are and what motivates you. This is also an opportunity for you to learn more about Rovio.
  • Code test as homework: We would like to know better your coding skills and it is an opportunity for you to present what you are capable of.
  • Second rounds: Technical interview with our developers along with a discussion with the game team. Our aim is to get a clear overview of your skills, how you would fit with our working culture, your ambitions and where we can help you develop.

Don't keep us waiting but send your application already today!

Rovio's Stockholm Studio is the studio behind the hugely popular Angry Birds 2, the bigger, badder and birdier sequel to the global phenomenon Angry Birds. The studio is dedicated to making the Angry Birds 2 game experience ever more exciting for players, developing continual improvements, as well as running world class live ops every day.

In addition to Angry Birds 2, Stockholm studio is actively developing new titles with the Angry Birds brand as well as new original IPs. Our approach is to focus on highly accessible yet innovative cores paired with Rovio's light-hearted aesthetic. At the same time, we still aim to deliver a deep meta that can keep players engaged for decades. Our development is driven by our players as we push to become masters of our genre. We use data to provide insights into our players' needs, and we always strive for improvement through continual iteration.

Our ambitious teams are full of passionate gamers who are eager to leave their mark.


We welcome applicants to use the name they want to be addressed by in the application form, regardless of whether it is their legal name.

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