• Notera att ansökningsdagen för den här annonsen kan ha passerat. Läs annonsen noggrant innan du går vidare med din ansökan.

his role can be based in one of our tech hubs in Helsinki or Stockholm, or you can work remotely anywhere in Estonia, Finland or Sweden. Read more about our remote setup here. If you live outside of these countries - not to worry! We provide relocation support to help you make your way to Finland or Sweden.

Wolt is looking for Scala Software Engineers to strengthen the Merchant App Core Team.The team focus is to enable our merchants to run their shops in the most friction-less way through providing core functionalities through the Merchant App Lite. This is a very special project as we are maturing up an application from infancy to replace another one. Many beautiful scale-up challenges and a lot of new functionalities. The journeys that will come after, will be even more awesome as we are setting ourselves up to give the best merchant app experience that a store can find out there.

A great part of this opportunity is about teamwork: we believe that together we deliver greater products. The team is cross functional team where Frontend and Backend engineers work closely together to deliver great experiences, with the support of Designers, a Product Lead, QAs and whoever else is needed. We come together and solve problems.

Read more about Scala at Wolt in our engineering blog!

Our humble expectations

For these roles, we expect a mix of existing experience and/or interest in learning the following:

  • Good knowledge of the Scala programming language OR good knowledge of Kotlin and the will to learn Scala
  • Functional programming beyond the basics (or the will to learn)
  • Messaging (i.e. kafka)
  • API design (i.e. using Open API)
  • A bit of python (we do help maintaining a python codebase from time to time)
  • A team-first mindset
  • Ability to own topics suitable for your level, end to end: from conceptualization to implementation to testing and shipping to production

So, if you feel that you’ve got what it takes and if working on a cool product in a cool team sounds like something you’d be interested in doing, we’d love to hear from you! 💙

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "Scala/Kotlin Software Engineer" hos företaget Wolt Sverige AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 14 september 2023 klockan 16:01.

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