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At Proposales, we're on a mission to shape the future of business proposals, replacing static documents by defining a new online standard fully powered by web technology (literally, a piece of internet infrastructure).

Read about our mission: https://mission.proposales.com (https://mission.proposales.com/)(this page is created from scratch by Peter, Design Engineer)

We're looking for a truly gifted Full-Stack Engineer to be in the intersection of the Product team and the Customer Success team. You will be an engineer dedicated to make our customers happy, and creating a "Wow" experience.

You will form a "Duo" together with an extraordinary product designer, and together you will be responsible from the initial shaping (of how to design/build something new) to deploying it to Production. We are inspired by the " Shape up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_8M23wVjXk)" process from 37signals.

Joining a company early is exciting, not only will you be part of defining the vision, as one of our first employees, you will receive a competitive package, including a stock option program, personal training budget, and much more.

Your mission:

- Identify, take action and resolve incoming request and support tickets

- You will be working over the entire platform which makes the task exciting

- Ownership of internal tooling, and always strive for even better efficiency and user experience for the Proposales team members doing "back-office" tasks

- Be ready to embrace new technologies and paradigms as we move Proposales into a serverless era

- Join us in shaping our engineering culture to make Proposales a place you look forward to in the morning

What we believe in:

We use a serverless, continuous-delivery infrastructure hosted on Vercel, built using Next.js and written in TypeScript.

When deciding on a tech stack for a new sub-project, we usually take the opportunity to assess new tech early and plan for long-term benefits and maintainability over short-term goals. But we also value simple solutions over smart ones, and embrace test-driven development and pair programming, favoring higher code quality over faster development times.

We generally prefer a functional programming style over object-orientation and like to avoid abstractions like middlewares or ORMs.

We prefer monorepos with multiple smaller projects, instead of one monolithic application. We avoid code duplication by extracting core logic and UI into separate internal libraries.

Some of the technologies you would be working with:

- Javascript

- React

- Node.js

- Next.js

- TypeScript

- PostgreSQL

- Vercel

A bit about you:

- Strong coding ability in Javascript

- Get energy from talking to customers and resolving issues in a quick manner

- Experience with advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks

- Experience with API and product development

- You are great to collaborate with

- You believe in code quality through code reviews, pair programming and test-driven development

- You believe in self-management and clear communication over processes

- Willingness to learn new technologies and move between different tech stacks

- Working proficiency and communication skills in verbal and written English + Swedish/Norwegian (Unlike our other roles where only English is mandatory, this role needs you to be native in either Swedish or Norwegian, i.e. countries where we have the majority of our current customers)

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "Customer Success Engineer (Support Engineer) to Proposales" hos företaget UU Brand & Recruit AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 12 januari 2024 klockan 14:41.

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