At Epidemic Sound, we make soundtracking content simple and inspiring with unlimited access to music and sound effects. Headquartered in Stockholm, with offices all over the world, we are a force of over 500 on a mission to soundtrack the world. Our innovative licensing model paves the way for creators - from YouTubers to small business to the world’s most recognizable brands - to use sound to enhance their content while simultaneously supporting artists both financially and creatively. Epidemic Sound music is heard 2 billion times a day on YouTube alone and is recognized as one of Europe’s fastest-growing companies by the Financial Times. Epidemic Sound is backed by EQT, Blackstone, Creandum, Atwater Capital to name a few.

We are looking for a Senior Backend Engineer to work on what our business is all about - Sound.

The team is part of the Sound Domain, with a focus on building tools empowering our artists, supporting our internal catalog management system, DSP integration and calculating royalties, and ensuring we provide our company with legally and musically outstanding content. We work in a communicative and collaborative space where knowledge sharing is key. We have many things that we take care of, with a wide range of opportunities in a diverse and fun team that promotes well-being.

We’re looking for a Senior Backend Engineer who is open to working with both frontend and backend when needed to join our skilled team. If you enjoy learning new things, you’re quality-oriented, can see a solution in its entirety rather than its parts, and have experience working with Kotlin, Python, Typescript, and potentially React, MySQL, and/or PostgreSQL, then this could be your call!

What you'll do:

Collaborate with other product teams, machine learning, analytics, data, SRE, and the music department to develop new and amazing features that our artists love

Collaborate and communicate closely with your team and other stakeholders

Bring a proactive approach to identifying pain points, risks, and opportunities with an understanding of how our team relates to the rest of the organization

Embrace agile development processes, including pair and mob programming, share knowledge inside and outside the team, and participate in hack weeks and demos

What you'll bring:

Solid experience using Python / Django, Kotlin and Typescript (or reasonably similar experience, as we believe you can quickly learn and adapt to our stack. e.g. Java, Javascript)

Knowledge of React, MySQL and / or PostgreSQL and BigQuery are a plus

A strong willingness to learn

Experience building scalable, reliable and easy-to-maintain software in an iterative fashion

Experience contributing to a team’s continuous work towards a common technical vision

Great communication skills and drive to collaborate closely with colleagues

A flexible mindset as a curious learner and big-picture tech thinker

Most importantly:

Your interests, mindset, and attitude are probably the most important aspects of the role. Tech can be learned, but the mindset and the attitude you bring will make us better together, and that’s more valuable to us!

Equal Opportunity Employer:
We believe that bringing people together from different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives makes for a healthy workplace, a more successful business and a better world. We value diversity and encourage everyone to come and soundtrack the world with us.

Do you want to be a part of our fantastic team? Please apply, in English, by clicking the link below.

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "Software Engineer" hos företaget Epidemic Sound AB och publicerades på den 27 februari 2024 klockan 17:00.

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