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Do you want to be part of a team developing new products and features using cutting edge technologies? We want you to join us on our journey to innovate for a smarter, safer world.

Location: Lund, Sweden

Who is your future team?
You will be collaborating with co-workers from different disciplines, such as Linux Platform software, image quality, mechanical design, electronics, production test and more.

As Software Engineer at Axis, you will play an essential role in the development of our new products. You will work together in teams with other dedicated software engineers, from all parts of the embedded Linux stack in our network video products.

We have very close co-operation, and a friendly team spirit at Axis, ensuring an agile development of market-leading products. We strongly believe in knowledge sharing and insights. It's a great part of our culture!

Your tasks would include:

* Joining our product development projects, developing network connected devices
* Analyzing, designing, and writing software for features in our upcoming products
* Troubleshooting and solving issues wherever they are, from Linux kernel drivers to applications.

Who are we looking for?
You are curious, have a great passion for technology, love challenges and enjoy solving them in a team-focused atmosphere.

We also believe that you have a personal drive and get inspired by working in an environment of openness, creativity, trust, commitment, playfulness, and encouragement. As Axis values teamwork, it is important that you contribute with good spirit and welcome the agile working methodologies used in our projects.

We'd love to hear that you have:

* An engineering bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, physics, mathematics engineering or equivalent
* Experience with C and/or C++ programming.

Bonus points if you're interested in:

* Linux system programming, user space, kernel space and device drivers
* Debug tools, GDB, Valgrind
* Scripting, shell, python, perl
* Low-level programming, e.g using Micro Controllers (MCU)
* Continuous integration, version control using Git, build tools

What Axis has to offer
Openness is the core of who we truly are. Our most important asset is our ability to cooperate. We have realized that great ideas can come from anywhere. Therefore, we encourage everybody to contribute and innovate towards our vision. If you are a person that likes to get involved and make a difference, you will find a home with us.

Axis offers great benefits, e.g. flexible working hours, classic Swedish "fika" Friday afternoon, morning fika every day, corporate bonus, physical training grants, insurances and your very own Axis bicycle. As a global company we offer relocation assistance if needed.

We also provide a brand new training facility free for every Axis employee. You can see it here Axis HQ

We believe in sustainability, equality and inclusion. Read more here

Ready to Act?
Apply today, we evaluate applications continuously. We are looking forward to seeing you! If you have any questions don´t hesitate to contact Patrik Svensson at +46 46 272 1800.

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "Software Engineer" hos företaget Axis Communications AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 8 april 2024 klockan 15:55.

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