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Only taking applications from people based in Stockholm, Sweden. We do not offer relocation.

Metrea Simulations is looking for experienced C++ programmers to join our team creating our core large-scale military simulation platform. As a generalist C++ programmer, you will work closely with our experts in aerospace and military simulations to create a large-scale simulated world with complex and realistic agent behavior. You will support specialized team members with a variety of programming tasks and help ensure the solution stays performant while the simulation is scaling up. If you enjoy solving hard technical problems and delving deep into understanding the underlying codebase while keeping performance in mind, we will be a good match for you.

This role will require you to be a team player who enjoys working in a multidisciplinary environment and expects you to be communicative and independent in your work. You should be motivated to find creative and scalable solutions for complex problems.

Skills and Requirements

  • Experience as a Senior C++ programmer
  • Ability to build performant solutions
  • Experience with profiling, optimizing, and debugging C++ code
  • Full professional communication skills in English.
  • Proactive and self-motivated
  • US or EU-citizenship is a must

Thing we think could be useful in this role

  • Experience with large-scale simulations and/or scaling up existing software systems
  • Experience with Wargames
  • Experience with Unreal Engine C++ programming
  • Experience with Perforce
  • Passion for anything aerospace-related
  • Experience working with international teams
  • Background in related fields (e.g., Military, Aerospace, Software, Engineering, Physics, Math)

What we offer:

  • Competitive salaries
  • 30 days paid holidays from the get go
  • Personal Development budget
  • Friskvårdsbidrag (Health & Wellness benefit) for upwards 5000 sek a year.

About Us:

Metrea Simulations redefines the cutting edge of flight simulation and services. Our expertise in physics, engineering and artistry allows us to leverage modern technologies in new and unprecedented ways in order to create the most realistic and immersive flight simulation training products and experiences possible. Through our technologies, customers enjoy an optimal path to efficient training, design, technology development and tactical analysis across the aviation sector. Our technology nucleus of advanced AI, flight and sensor modelling enables us to augment reality through the lens of next-generation products and services.


Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "C++ Programmer, Large Scale Simulation" hos företaget Metrea Simulations AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 23 maj 2024 klockan 12:45.

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