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Assignment Description

Digg is on a mission to drive the digitalization of the public sector in Sweden forward. As part of this initiative, there are several ongoing efforts within Digg related to the Swedish e-identification system, both at the national level and in response to changes at the EU level. The government has announced its intention to develop a state e-identification, and in this context, Digg is seeking three Java Developers to provide expert consulting support. Experience in solutions with a strong emphasis on security is a key requirement for this role. The consultants will be primarily engaged in Digg's work to develop a state e-identification.

The assignment will involve close collaboration with stakeholders, UX designers, testers, and other developers involved in the design and development of software.

It is also possible that the consultant's expertise may be needed in other projects at Digg.

Required Skills

  • Experience in Java development, with a minimum of 5 years
  • Experience in microservice architecture, with a minimum of 1 year
  • Experience in the development of security features
  • Experience with Kubernetes
  • Experience with Quarkus, Springboot, or similar
  • Experience in team-based development according to agile principles
  • Fluent in Swedish (spoken and written) and good knowledge of English (spoken and written)

Preferred Skills

  • Experience in backend test automation
  • Experience in certificate management
  • Experience in automation of build, test, and delivery pipelines in container-based environments
Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "Java Developer" hos företaget Meet a Group international AB och publicerades på webbjobb.io den 8 juni 2024 klockan 09:41.

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