You will have focus on embedded software. The motor controller software use a light weight operating system without any file system support running on a CPU. All embedded software is written in C, with the addition of a few assembler routines meaning extensive experience writing code in C is a requirement for this role. Prior experience of developing this type of embedded code is a requirement.

The role is both theoretical and analytical as well as being practical.

Being curious about products and learning how they works is a merit for the position as this will provide an understanding of the implicit requirements on the motor controllers. Standard tools and software are not always available for the trouble shooting, so the ability to develop PC software, preferably in C#, is a merit.


  • Hardware related embedded programming in C.
  • Knowledge of BLDC-engines
  • Knowledge of Motor Controllers and Actuators.

This is a full-time consultancy position in Jönköping Sweden.

Detta är en jobbannons med titeln "Software Engineer" hos företaget Incluso AB och publicerades på den 11 juni 2024 klockan 14:37.

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